Investment Management

A consistent, repeatable, and time-tested approach to portfolio managment. We offer a number of equity and taxable/tax-exempt fixed income investment strategies, and manage by a team of investment profesionals whose considerable depth and breadth of experience withinthe capital markets allows for a truely unique persepective.

Long-Term Approach to Investing

We consider ourselves to be investors, not traders, as demonstrated by our low turnover across strategies.

Truly Active Portfolio Management

We strive to add value for our clients beyond returns that can be achieved through passive, index-based investing. Our high Active Share and focused portfolios illustrate the conviction we place in our research-based approach.

Delivering on Risk

We strive to add value for our clients beyond returns that can be achieved through passive, index-based investing. Our high Active Share and focused portfolios illustrate the conviction we place in our research-based approach.